Coding Training is organized according to the age groups and readiness levels of the students.
It is a long journey that takes shape. It starts from pre-school period and continues throughout the student’s educational life. By providing students with 21st century skills
motivations to become more productive individuals.
If you want to start Coding Education at Home with the Preschool student group
The first issue to be mentioned is the algorithm. Teaching children sequential processing logic with daily life
If it is explained in a harmonious way, permanent learning will be achieved. Then, the learning process begins by having fun with basic algorithm materials. These include algorithm robots, coding puzzles, basic electronic circuit components and 3D
Mechanisms that enable design can be examples. In addition, coding activities with arrows, lego sets and augmented reality applications can also be included in the learning process. If the age group to be educated is primary school level, pre-school coding practices can be continued at the beginning stage. After the student acquires reading and writing competencies
Scratch Jr. and block-based coding with Scratch programs
can switch to applications. Additionally, progressing with 3D game design
Beginning with 3D object design topics in semesters. Tinkercad, Kodu Game Lab
can be given as examples of these applications. By using electronic circuit boards, project-based learning can be carried out at varying levels of difficulty. Examples include Arduino, Microbit, Pinoo Minoo and Pinoo Control Card.
With Pinoo cards, which are easy to use and code and enable all sensor connections with a single cable, children can produce enjoyable projects with consumables they can easily access at home. Secondary school students can continue their coding education with multi-sensor and complex projects and progress in 3D games and object design.
High school students can produce projects with object-oriented programming languages. Secondary education
It can cover projects at the level of
Raspberry Pi, Python, Ruby, Thunkable, Arduino Ide are examples of these applications.
can be shown.